Title: Awake
Pairing: Simon/River
Rating: PG
Warnings: See pairing ^^
Apologies to those who had this show up on their f-lists twice
Written for the
ficmonthly April Theme (Nursery Rhymes)
Awake, arise, pull out your eyes,
And hear what time of day;
And when you have done, pull out your tongue,
And see what you can say.
The words tumble slowly out, sound falling irrythmically as syllables catch on the edges of her lips. River traces the wooden structure of the wall.
"Awake, arise, pull out your eyes..."
"River?" Simon's voice sounds in the darkness.
"Pull out your eyes..." She knows this room. She calculated it in steps and shuffles, shin-lengths and hair-lengths. Serenity hums. She doesn't need eyes. Time for the refrain.
"Pull out your eyes..."
"River?" He can't really hear her.
"And hear what time of day..." Does Serenity tell her that? Her bells are meaningless for this. They mean danger, and danger occurs in time. "What time of day ..." Time flows are restrictive.
Simon's arms are restrictive, holding her up. "Mei-mei? What's wrong?"
"Time of day," River mumbles against his shoulder. "What time of day. Pull out your eyes, Simon." Somewhere in the bowels of this ship, something is keeping time. She wants to find it. She cannot have eyes to find it. It says so.
"River?" He picks her chin up. Eyes. He doesn't need eyes, neither does she.
"Internal clocks..." She rests her forehead back on his collarbone. Sleepy. She can smell the sleep on him, sleep and sweat. Body makes sweat, body keeps time. Time measured in heartbeats. She touches her tongue, briefly, to the hollow beneath the collarbone, and he startles. Response time? Time measured in reactions.
"River, are you awake?"
"Arisen," she confirms, but he is no longer listening. He is on the other side of the room, 18 footlengths, or 10 steps and 1 shuffle. She can hear liquid, and metal, and plastic.
Liquid, and metal, and plastic, time in duration, time in dosage. No more to say now.
Commentary welcome!