So, I went to the Burlington Mall today because I was in need of "foundation garments" and that seemed to be the most efficient way to get them.
I utterly loathe shopping for bras. Starting point: an item of clothing that's worn daily for many hours at a stretch, and which is designed to strategically squish and rearrange very tender bits of my anatomy. So it's got to be comfortable, and that's no easy task. But wait, there's more.. I also want it to look good both under clothing and without anything over it. There are plenty of bras that look great without a shirt on, but once they're covered, the lacy bits stick out and make me look like I've got some really weird skin disease. On my boobs. Swell.
Then there's the whole issue of sizing. It's hit-or-miss, at best. Regular clothing sizes are fairly reliable, even across manufacturer. It occasionally happens that I might need one size smaller or larger than "my" size in a given item, but I can honestly claim to know my dress size. I can't say the same about bras, dammit. And yet, I do know the
correct method of measuring for bra size. [Note: Link is not work-safe.] Does my being armed with this useful bit of arcana make any difference whatsoever? No, it does not.
I tried on bras today between 34" and 38" band sizes; all of them fit. More or less. Were the 34" band sizes tighter across my back than the 38" ones, as one might expect? Sure, some of them. And some of the 38" bras were tighter than the 36" ones.. of the same cup size. So what is the problem with lingerie manufacturers?? Part of the nominal size is a measurement, for pity's sake! Thirty-six inches ought to be thirty-six inches, no? I suppose I should just be grateful these folks aren't in the business of building bridges.
The entirety of this delightful experience was made ever so much more so by taking place in a shopping mall. Not that this is a unique observation or anything, but.. shopping malls are cold, sterile, soulless places. I liked going to the mall when I was a teenager; it was exciting and full of promise. Have the changes since then been in malls, me, or some combination of the two? Am I more cynical, or wiser, or more savvy, or what?