(no subject)

Jun 04, 2005 14:35

your name: Elizabeth   AKA lighthouse
-your gender: female!
-age: 14 and 11 months two weeks
-height: 5'1and a half
-hair color: auburn
-eye color: bbrroowwnn
-your location: sarasota,fl
-fears: making an ass of my self in front of aaron


-peed your pants? duh, who hasnt! we all do when we're little!
-fallen off the bed? loads of times
-had plastic surgery? GrOsS
-broke someone`s heart? dont think so.. never ben given the chance
-had your heart broken? i havent given anybody the chance
-had a dream come true? sorta... not reeaallyyy
-done something you regret? hasnt everyone?
-cheated on a test? lol.. yes.. SHH!! i never said that!
-broken a body part? no.. had stitches in my cheek.. but thats it


+ wearing -black biker betty boop shirt over black longsleeve, my guy pants with taz on the knee, my trademark boots,and pentagram   
+ listening to - sHeDaIsY-come home soon
+ chewing - GUM
+ feeling - yawn
+ reading -im doing this arrent i?
+ located - umm.. side office thingy
+ watching - the screen DUH
+ should REALLY be - umm.. on the computer


+ brush your teeth? no.. i let mt teeth rot.. OF COURSE I DO!
+ like anybody? lofl.. yes.. scarlet_stalkees are AWESOME
+ have any piercings? two.. one in each ear
+ drive? no.. im not even old enough for my learners.. two weeks and i will be...
+ believe in Santa Claus? do i really have to answer that
+ ever get off the computer?uhhhh... yes.. but i dont really like to


+ who is your best? not sure... could say nikki.. could also say nick.. or scarlet.. maria.. jennaca..
+ who is the loudest?ALYSSA
+ who is the shyest?nicole(nikki)
+ who laughs the most? me and scarlet
+ who have you known the longest? umm... thats tough... i want to say alyssa.. no! rebecca jones!
+ who have you known the shortest? umm... hmm... the new freshie.. also likes stalkee.. SAM
+ do you belong to a crew? cant remember our name... ^_^ the QUEER!!!
+ do you hang out with the opposite sex?DuH!!
+ do you consider yourself POPULAR?are you insane!
+ do you trust your friends? yea.. actually.. i do
+ are you a good friend? umm.. guys?
+ can you keep a secret? sort of... it cant be mean or anything


+ hugged - nick didonna
+ gave EPROPS -umm.. no clue wat that means!
+ IMed -scarlet.. dUh
+ talked to on the phone - alyssa.. i think
+ yelled at? little bro.. wouldnt leave me alone when i was on the phone!
+ tripped -hmm... lets see.. this little geek.. he wasnt very nice to alyssa .. and after i tripped him he spat water all over me...


+ What do you want to be when you grow up?photographer.. forensic scientist... PI.. (STALKER!!)
+ What was the worst day of your life? when my friend walked up to aaron and tried to drag me with her.. and said " liz wants to know what you think of redheads"
+ What is your most embarrassing story?umm....ive been careful not to have any since fifth grade
+ What has been the best day of your life?the day my random hugs plan worked!!!
+ What comes first in your life?uhh.. what LIFE? oh yea.. stalking people,JK! umm.. my friends
+ If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them?GrOsS
+ What do you think about before you go to sleep?my crush AKA my stalkee AKA aaron


+ Relative: my brother mike
+ Sport: soccer.. then tennis
+ Vacation Spot: new york.. or niagra falls
+ Ice Cream Flavor: mossetracks.. or that turtle tracks
+ Fruit: berries!!!
+ Candy:i'll eat any kind.. they're all my favorite
+ Holiday: umm... i like them all... (THANKSGIVING!! in NY)
+ Day of the Week:any day
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