fun fun quiz thing

Oct 03, 2005 16:37

:: Orlando or Johnny: ORLANDO!!
:: Pepsi or Coke: i dont care
:: Blonde or Brunette: blond
:: Blue eyes or Brown eyes: neither...storm tossed seas are the best
:: Vanilla or Chocolate: vanilla
:: Dogs or Cats: either
:: Christina or Britney: christina
:: Lip-stick or Lip-gloss:lip-gloss
:: Rock or Rap: Rock
:: Prep or Punk: i dont care
:: Pink or Purple: purple
:: Local place or Starbucks: LOCAL
:: Tv or Computer: computer
:: CDs or Radio: CDs
:: Spanish or French: espanol
:: Brad Pitt or Mel Gibson: brad pitt
:: Basketball or Baseball: basketball
:: Apples or Oranges: apples
:: 1/2 Full or 1/2 Empty: who cares
:: Morning or Night: NIGHT
:: Chicken or Turkey: neither
:: Salmon or Tuna: neither
:: Freedom or Stability: freedom
:: Cheese It or Cheese Nips: cheese it
:: Birds or Bees: birds... bees sting.... but i think that has a sexual reference... and if like birds are girls and bees are boys then i want bees lol haha (good answer campbell i will steal it)
:: Rollercoasters or Waterrides: roller coasters
:: AOL or AIM: AIM
:: Drugs or Liquor: neither
:: Gold or Silver: silver
:: Nike or Adidas: nike
:: 80s or 90s: both
:: Preschool or Kindergarden: preschool
:: Cubed or Crushed: i dont kno what that means
:: VH1 or MTV: VH1
:: Truth or Dare: dare
:: Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings: harry potter
:: Pen or Pencil: pen
:: Peppermint or Wintergreen: eww neither
:: East Coast or West Coast: east side!!!
:: North or South: south side!!!
:: Pedicure or Manicure: neither
:: Target or Kmart: target
:: Top or Bottom: bunks? bottom... unless its to low and u hit ur head... then top... haha and sexually.. bottom all the way (hilarious answer campbell again i will steal it except i like the top unless its like camp for a month then bottom)
:: Hug or Kiss: hug
:: Sporks or Foons: sporcks rock my socks!!!(again thats cambells)what is a foon?
:: Cubs or Sox: ??? dont like baseball
:: Cake or Pie: cake or chocolate pie
:: Rain or Snow: rain
:: Fall or Spring: spring.... b/c SCHOOLS ALMOST OUT THEN ITS CAMPPPPPPP (again thats cambell)
:: Winter or Summer: summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:: Swim or Float: float
:: Walk or Run: walk
:: Beach or Mountains: never really been to mtns. and i like the beach so BEACH
:: City or Suburbs: um idk
:: Love or Lust: both
:: Carmel or Car-a-mel: car-a-mel
:: Stars or Moons: stars
:: N*sync or BSB: N*sync
:: Car or Truck: car
:: 7th Heaven or Everwood: gross neither
:: VHS or DVD: dvd
:: Skip-it or Hopscotch: SKIP IT
:: Fish or Birds: birds
:: Shoes or Sandals: either
:: Cough or Sneeze: cough
:: Bath or Shower: shower
:: Stairs or Evevator: elevator...haha im lazy
:: Yes or No: lets go with no bc that ryhmed
:: Jelly-filled or Cream-filled: cream filled
:: Loud or Soft: um medium
:: Sister or Brother: sister
:: Michael Jordan or Dennis Rodman: i dont care
:: Nick or Disney: disney
:: Fun or Boring: FUN
:: Ohio or Pennsylvania: um lets go with ohio bc its fun to say
:: New York or California: california

wow that was fun
not at all

i got hom eearly and already took my shower
im done with everything!!!
ive done all my chemistry!!!
and all my spanish!!!
i have nother left to do at all!!!
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