I beated The Journey(Persona3FES) yday. THE LAST BOSS TOKE ME LIEK 37 MINS!! AND THAT WAS EASY MODE!! On my first try when I were just around 1-2mins from victory when Aigis got charmed and... Well, she wiped away half an hour of work with one diarahan(boss HP from around 300-500 back to 6000). Way to go.
It's been a week and I'm still sick. I envy Minato and his ability to get well so fast... D:
I, beeing the idiot I am, toke part in a course that you have to take if you want to take part in Wanhojen Tanssi(it's a little like prom I guess). I figured it wouldn't hurt. But oh, the problem is there's about 10 more girls than boys and I'm one of the lucky ones who are expected to ask every secound year if they wanted to be my partner. I don't usually even speak with anyone so I don't know if this will work out... But it's not like it wouldn't be my first time dancing walz as guy... *wants to give up before trying*