Rant allert ^^

Nov 29, 2007 18:25

ME WANT TO COLOUR MY HAIR RED OR WHITE(OR BOUTH) BUT MY MOM DOESN'T WUNT ME! X< I hope I get alot of money for Xmass, hairdresser doesn't refuse to kill my chocolate brown orginality and I'll have some left after buying nother craps. (lots of manga and goth!lolita clothes are <3, but expencive)

I've been reading lots of Vergil/Dante fics. :D The anyoing thing is, I keep reading Vergil's name as Virgin. (I read in way that I kind of say it in my head) Me <3 Dante, he's got body of 20 year old and charmz of 4 old. (aka, god-like)

I downloaded whole DMC3 OST. <3 Rigth side of headphones died and I listen so loud my left one ticles when I get home. My lil Darim(iPod nano) nearly suicide'd few nigths back and my heart broke. :< Thank god it was normal in the morning.

Mom makes me study spanish with her. (don't get the wrong pichure of me beeing dragged somewhere) Yups, I study spanish in school now days. I wonder if she'd do my honework... ôwô

I've been drawing alot of retarded crap. D| Kinda just to get hang on shapes, I'm bored of raping anathomy.


DMC4's Nero is so... /\[)()|2/\|3I_€! <333 (w00t for 1337) I migth cosplay him if I got white wig or coloured mah hairz. ôoô

Ciao, homeworks. x

me wear silly fur hat

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