Mar 27, 2006 12:15
Hey DVCers who helped/were in the show,
Sorry I was not able to come like I planed to the show on friday. I heard you guys rocked and I'm sad i missed it.
Anywho so I am back at college....back to the work...but I only have 6 weeks left until I am a sophomore in COLLEGE!!! wow...its so crazy...this year has flown by, an of course it has had its good and bad, but over college has been fun...and enlightening...( my attitude might change around finals (:
side notes:
Truc I am sending the books on friday, I wont have money till then so I have to wait.
Kevin...sorry i wasn't there to pick up the letter.
..............hi hoe, hi hoe, its off to Research Writing I go.............chow.