An update

Jun 02, 2005 22:20

So I haven't written in quite some time. Anyone who had been reading probably has stopped by now. The fact is, I got rather tired of writing the same entries over and over again, which is what I would be doing if I kept my journal on a daily basis once I got home. So I figure until my life becomes interesting again I might as well just roll back on my entries.

Life is pretty much the same as it was last I wrote. I wake up at 7 AM, watch sportscenter and grab a shower, work at the bank until 4ish, then come home and go for a run, and then spend my evenings reading, playing computer games, and watching the Yankees. It's a pretty dull routine. Its made worse by the play of the Yankees. As I sit writing this right now the Yankees are 3 outs away from getting swept by the worst team in baseball (the Royals). But Matsui just hit a lead off single so we'll see.

I'm not looking terribly hard for another job yet. Sent out a couple resumes. But seeing as how nothing will really excite me beyond getting through this next year and gettting into grad school, I can't seem to motivate myself into looking for a slightly higher paying boring job.

A-Rod just struck out on a terrible pitch.

This weekend should actually be somewhat entertaining. At some point I will probably head up to Saratoga and hang out with Bob and Emily. That will be fun. Maybe I'll play a little tennis with Phil as well, as I did on Memorial Day. My tennis game has accumlated a great deal of rust over the past 4 years of non-playing.

Tino just struck out on a half swing. I love Tino but for the life of me I can't understand why Torre would put him behind A-Rod in the lineup. At this stage in his career he just isn't good enough protection for A-Rod.

(The camera just showed Donny Baseball... boo-yah)

Anyway, that's about all that has been going on in my life. I'm still plugging through Bill Clinton's book. It's really good so far and it's increased my fascination with him as a man.

Posada just got hit in the leg by a pitch. Tying run is coming up to the plate with two outs, it's Bernie. This makes me happy.

From reading the book I'm beginning to think that in many things Clinton thinks about political and social issues a lot like I do. One thing I'm amazed at is how many experiences he had by the time he was 25 or so. He had travelled the world, studied at Georgetown, Oxford, and Yale, and somehow managed to do all of this on a very limited income. I hope that at some point I will get the opportunity to travel and gain experiences of my own. My worst fear right now is getting stuck at home and never experiencing the world. As I've said before, Kinderhook is a great place to be from, but a terrible place to live in.

Bernie walked... Ruben Sierra is up. I have a lot of faith, but I'm calling game over right now.... wait, wild pitch, but it bounced right back to the catcher.

Aside from looking forward to getting out of this place, the only thing I'm looking forward to right now is my Michael Jordan Collectors DVD set.

Like I said, game over. Sierra bounced out to short. Ruben Sierra should retire. Why is he on our team?

Anyway, this set is 3 DVDs packed with Jordan highlight movies that have previously been released during his career, along with 5 of Jordan's greatest games in their entirety (the original broadcasts complete with the old NBA on NBC theme music). I should be receiving it tomorrow, which means I'll be parked on my couch watching old NBA games all night tomorrow. Sounds like an exciting Friday night, doesn't it?

The Yankees are done tonight, and so am I. Until next time.
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