Mar 14, 2005 11:21
Fuck you live journal for deleting what I wrote!!
Last night Joey and I went over to Carl and Danielle's for dinner. It was awesome. Anyone who has miscellaneous bones and dried bats as decor in their dining room, is good people to me. I drank four glasses of red wine and got tastefully drunk.
On our way there, Joey and I almost killed each other, since we got lost and also because mapquest is horrible. I also almost caused us to die a horrible firey death, but luckily Joey was trained by the professionals at Nascar, and he saved the day!
JessRac cut Joey's hair on Saturday, and Joey's sleeves became missing, it was quite hysterical. I would also like to mention the fact that I can boil a mean pot of water. Eat that Southside. I am domestic.
Polaroids rule.
Credit cards rule.
The good people at Dunkin Donuts rule.
The Dunkin Donuts in Joey's old hood does not rule. In fact, it is terrifying. It's like every reject/mentally unstable/crackhead/homeless person hangs out there. Joey won't even let me go in by myself, and frankly, I thank him for that.
ATTENTION KELLY: I drove past Gerard Way's house again yesterday, and immediate thought of you. <3!
My wife is on her way down to accompany me to a nice lunch. Oh how I love lettuce. Fuck the haters.
I'd like to say thank you to:
-My friends
-Monkey bread (heart)
-The people at the airbrush stand in the mall
-Sara (Sandy loves you)
-Law and Order SVU
-Red wine
-Italian mothers
I'd like to say fuck you to:
-the toll booth workers of New Jersey
-The people at T-Moble
-Catherine Zeta-Jones for being the spokesperson for T-Mobile
-The drivers of Belleville/Bloomfield/and all surrounding areas
-George W. Bush
-Saturated fat
-Yuppies/BMW's/and the combination of both
-Cold coffee