life x is peachy: too many pupppppiessss. are being shot in the dark!
jenova3425: no but see, therein lies the fallacy
jenova3425: you can never have too many puppies
jenova3425: i've argues long and hard about this and i'm still ocnvinced
jenova3425: argued*
jenova3425: GOSH
jenova3425: convinced*
life x is peachy: mayeb it is saying. that too many puppies are being shot
jenova3425: no
life x is peachy: one puppy is too much to be shot
life x is peachy: maybe two
jenova3425: thats now the point i'm trying to argue
jenova3425: that is true
jenova3425: but thats what nick doesn't understand
jenova3425: i'm not arguing the fact that too many puppies are being shot, you can shoot too many puppies
jenova3425: he thinks that you can in fact have too many puppies
jenova3425: and he's like "primus is never wrong"
jenova3425: but primus probably also thinks you can't have too many puppies
jenova3425: just by singing about the fact that too many puppies are being shot
life x is peachy: let me read that about 50 times so i can understand that
jenova3425: lol
jenova3425: not*
jenova3425: instead of now
life x is peachy: maybe. there are too many puppies.. that is why people are shooting them
jenova3425: NO!
jenova3425: you can't have too many puppies
life x is peachy: damn sam. you are making me think
jenova3425: i refuse to believe it
jenova3425: the puppy to fun graph is exponential where x is positive
jenova3425: the ratio of puppy to fun never goes down
jenova3425: i've plotted this graph many a time
jenova3425: f(p)= p²+2
jenova3425: where p is puppies and the f(p) is fun
life x is peachy: how does the amount of puppies have to do with tem being shot in the first place?
life x is peachy: LOLOLOLOLOLOL
life x is peachy: that is so silly
jenova3425: shut up i'm not talking about puppies being shot
life x is peachy: you made me listen to the song
life x is peachy: i'm analyzing the lyrics shhhh
life x is peachy: OMG lololol
jenova3425: i'm not talking about the lyrics
life x is peachy: i know. you are talking about the puppy to fun ratio.
life x is peachy: where does f(p).. or "fun" become relavant to the song
jenova3425: it doesn't
jenova3425: well yes, it does
jenova3425: primus obviously loves puppies
jenova3425: because they think too many of them are being shot
life x is peachy: maybe the "puppies" represent something
jenova3425: i know they do but that isn't the point
jenova3425: you're so difficult claire
life x is peachy: if you can never have too many of them.. why does it matter how many are shot
life x is peachy: "At the sight of blood that must be spilled so that we may maintain
our oil fields."
life x is peachy: the real question, is what do the puppies represent. then we can validate if you can have enough of them
jenova3425: lol stop talking about the song
life x is peachy: god sam. think more anayliticly
life x is peachy: damn
jenova3425: we're talking about wether or not you can have too many puppies
life x is peachy: EVIDENSE can be supported with the song
jenova3425: take a look at 101 dalmations
jenova3425: they have a shitload of puppies in that movie
jenova3425: and the fun never stops
jenova3425: and in 102 dalmations, there's even more fun and action
jenova3425: think of the possibilities for 103 dalmations
jenova3425: or maybe even 105
life x is peachy: YEAH. that's because the puppies where supposed to be skinned, but silly bingo got them out of it at the end. if all the puppies where skinned, or "shot"..
jenova3425: the possibilities are endless
life x is peachy: then there wouldn't be enough
life x is peachy: yess
life x is peachy: it's alll comming together now
jenova3425: exactly
jenova3425: there wouldn't be enough puppies
jenova3425: "then there wouldn't be enough" (referring to puppies)
jenova3425: my point exactly
life x is peachy: BUT. in 101 dalmations there was no killing of the puppies
jenova3425: you cannot have too many puppies
jenova3425: and look at how fun that movie was
life x is peachy: realisticly, if you had 101puppies. you would be cleaning up shit all the time
life x is peachy: and your house would smell of pee, and doggy waste
jenova3425: everyone always brings up the shit
jenova3425: you have no idea how many people i've argued about this with
jenova3425: we got my whole precalc class talking about puppy to fun ratios
life x is peachy: well, puppy fun must be weighed with puppy work
jenova3425: honestly with the amount of fun you'd be having with the puppies, the feces wouldnt matter
jenova3425: it might bring it down a little
life x is peachy: LOL
jenova3425: but you'd still bve having tons of fun with the puppies
jenova3425: and the penultimate puppy you add will always be sad
life x is peachy: well. if the puppies.. arn't really puppies. and they represent something else.. then there never where puppy fun to begin with
jenova3425: but that can easily be fixed by getting another puppy
jenova3425: and so on and so on
jenova3425: so everyone is happy
life x is peachy: SO. your ratio cannot be applied
life x is peachy: in 101 dalmations they are.. but that in an EXAMPLE
life x is peachy: no
jenova3425: i can't debate you if you don't know what the debate is
life x is peachy: don't undermine my intelligence. okay. they are puppies
life x is peachy: how do you feed them all
jenova3425: exactly!
jenova3425: you don't, they feast on other puppies flesh
jenova3425: or get large amounts of puppy food
life x is peachy: puppies grow into dogs. do you dispose of the dogs, or do feast on the old via cannabalism
life x is peachy: that wouldn't work, for an infinate amount of puppies.. you need an infinate amount of food
life x is peachy: and space
life x is peachy: and water
life x is peachy: and puppy lovin to go around
jenova3425: LOL
jenova3425: an infinate amount of puppy loving is no problem
life x is peachy: hahahaha
life x is peachy: omg
life x is peachy: ;-)
jenova3425: LOL
jenova3425: what was that for?
life x is peachy: oh, nothing?
life x is peachy: ;-)
jenova3425: lol
jenova3425: i'm saving this conversation and reading it whn i'm not overly tired
life x is peachy: i think it must be posted on my LJ
life x is peachy: but you're still wrong
life x is peachy: infinate puppies need infinate space. space is infinate.. butpuppies need oxygen
jenova3425: no, no i'm not
jenova3425: you tell me, would you rather be in an empty room or a room full of puppies?
life x is peachy: ....
life x is peachy: puppies
jenova3425: exactly
life x is peachy: but no puppy shit.
life x is peachy: only if you are there to clean it all up
jenova3425: okay lets take this siuation
jenova3425: say a puppy produces 7 grams of shit per day
life x is peachy: hahahaha
jenova3425: would you rather have:
A) an empty room
B) a room with one puppy and 7 grams of shit
C) a room with 23 puppies and 161 grams of shit
jenova3425: sure, 161 grams of shit is gross
jenova3425: but you have 23 puppies!
jenova3425: which makes up for it
life x is peachy: LOLOLOL i can't stop laughing
jenova3425: you should see how serious my face is right now
life x is peachy: but, there has to be a point where the amount of shit outweights the puppy fun
jenova3425: no, see thats the beauty of it
jenova3425: shit is biodegratable
jenova3425: eventually it turns into sand
life x is peachy: yeah, i know you're very serious. that's the scary part
jenova3425: lol, but not really, i'm laughing my ass off too
life x is peachy: there HAS to be something to overcome your theory. i will think of it
jenova3425: NEVER
jenova3425: lol
life x is peachy: YES
jenova3425: you have almost a week to try to
jenova3425: cause i'm going to bed
jenova3425: night, i still find your views on puppy to fun ratios and theories about puppy finateness invalid and gouche
life x is peachy: lololol. for the next 168 hours i will be working nonstop to come up with a counter theory. you will be OWNED
what does everyone think?