"promise me you'll never cry about me again.. its killing me inside to see you like this"

Jan 22, 2005 23:38

I finally got the courage to end everything... No more anticipating phone calls, no more wondering about what hes doing, or if hes thinking about me.. He made me so happy, but he seemed to do just the opposite even more... We both got everything out on the table.. how we felt and what not, and i can honestly say there isn't anything i missed... It was a perfect ending.. it went down exactly like a movie... I cried..a lot... but i just need to move on, and stop thinking about him so much.. The hardest part was watching him walk away from me, not knowing when the next time ill see him again... i'll miss him.

Lauren Stephanie and I have discovered the love that we have for eachother... I would give up anything to just sit on laurens bed talking about anything and everything... I cant even remember the last time i had so much innocent fun.. I know that they will always be there for me.. as i will for them..

I'm getting hyptnotized next week for weight loss.. it's supposed to make you eat better and ecersize more.. Ive heard some people say it works others it doesnt.. it all depends on if you are in the right state of mind... im excited though hopefully it will work.. wish me luck.

* section 1 - about mee... *

+ Known as: Christina.
+ Lives in: Michigan.
+ Birthday: August 21st.
+ School: North.
+ Religion: catholic.
+ Shoe size: 13.ha
+ Hair color: Dirty blonde.
+ Eye color: Green with a hint of blue and yellow.

* section 2 - have you ever... *

+ Cheated on someone?: Yes.
+ Been Cheated on?: Yes.
+ Fallen off the bed?: Oh how i hate the mornings.
+ Had your heart broken?: Yes.
+ Had a dream come true?: Some what.
+ Done something you regret?: No you learn from your mistakes.
+ Cheated on a test?: Yes.

* section 3 - currently *

+ Wearing?: Track Pants and T-shirt
+ Listening to?: Kelly Clarkson.. Because of you.
+ Located?: In my den.
+ Chatting with?: Durand.
+ Watching?: The computer.
+ Should REALLY be doing? Talking to my mom because im never home anymore.

* section 4 - do you... *

+ Brush your teeth?: Yeah.
+ Have any piercings?: My Ears
+ Drive?: Yeah.
+ Drink?: Occasionaly.
+ Smoke?: Occasionaly.
+ Got a cell?: Yeah.

* section 5 - the last person you... *

+ Hugged?: Lauren.
+ IMed?: Dave
+ Talked on the phone: A random guy on Queefs phone.
+ Yelled at?: Katie

* section 6 - personal *

+ What do you want to be when you grow up?: SOmething with cosmotology, or dance..
+ What has been the best day of your life?: I've had to many
+ What comes first in your life?: Family and friends.. and food
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: Crush. yes
+ What are you most scared of?: Someone close to me dying. I dont know what id do.
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: Friends. Boys. Or what ever is playing on my stero or tv.
+ How many times have you fallen in love?: Never....
+ Love your family?: More then i can explain.
+ Love your friends?: Love is an understatment.
+ Are you a virgin?: No.

* section 7 - favorite *

+ Movie: Depends on what mood im in.
+ Song: A million and four
+ Band: Matchbook Romance... Taking Back Sunday.. straylight run.. the used.. etc.
+ Store: Hollister.
+ Relative: My mom and dad.
+ Day of the Week: Fridays and Saturdays
+ Time: Night time.
+ Color: Pink
+ Name for a Girl: Vagina
+ Name for a Boy: Weiner

* section 8 - do you *

+ Like to give hugs?: Yes.. especially with the puzzle peice.
+ Like to give kisses?: No i LOVE to give kisses.. receiving them isnt so bad either..
+ Like to walk in the rain?: No. unless its the summer ill go running around.
+ Prefer black or blue pens?: black.
+ Like to travel?: Yeah but not the process of getting there.
+ Sleep on your side, stomach or back?: stomach. sometimes on my side.
+ Have a goldfish?: No. just the snack crackers.
+ Ever have the falling dream?: All the time. especially at school.
+ Have stuffed animals?: Yeah most of them are stocked away.

* section 9 - what do you think about... *

+ Abortion: It's your life.
+ Smoking: Stupid.. but for some reason im attracted to boys when they smoke.. gross
+ Summer: The best time of the year.
+ Tattoos: Tehy can be cute. and they can be trashy.
+ Piercings: Depends where and on who

* section 10 - this or that *

+ Pierced nose or tongue?: nose.
+ Single or taken?: Single boys.
+ MTV or BET?: MTV.
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek?: Dawson's Creek.
+ Sugar or salt?: sugar.
+ Silver or gold?: silver.
+ Chocolate or flowers?: Chocolate.
+ Color or Black-and-white photos?: I like them both.
+ M&Ms or Skittles?: skittles.
+ Stay up late or sleep in?: Well usually i stay up late and then sleep in.
+ Hot or cold?: Hot
+ Mustard or ketchup?: ketchup.
+ Spring or Fall?: Spring.
+ Happy or sad?: Happy.
+ Wonder or amazement?: amazement.
+ Pepsi or Coke?: Pepsi. DUH.

Navarro's Dad?? hmm i wonder

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