Dec 29, 2005 11:33
ya so i havent updated in a while and not that much has really changed senses then shit is still kinda fucked up but its getting little better. Christmas with my family was kinda cool no one really talk to me again i really hate my family yet again my cool uncle that i used to be best freinds with still hasnt said one word to me sept hi and bye in about 4 months it really hurts i miss him wicked bad i miss all the times that he would come and pick me my brother and sister up and just drive to like a movie our ne thing sometimes we would just drive around and that it self would be cool he was so understanding about everything when i told him that i was bie he was like ok w/e no big deal, cause he used to work at a gay bar and he nows that there is nothing rong with it and like we would talk and wat not but as soon as he found out that i cut he just stopped talking to me like i think we talked for like 2 minutes about it but that was the end of it he has yet to talk to me and just ask me how i am doing or ne thing like that. And shit at beccas is going kinda bad i mean i cuase last night when i asked her mom if tom and heff could sleep over she thought like she had to say yes so she yelled at becca for me doing that and i feel wicked bad about it and i just want this school year to get over so that i can move in with tom that will be great just to get out of this fucking town were the only thing that happens is people smoking pit and drama thats it that is bridgewater for you. i just want to get to somewere no one nows me and just make a bunch of new freinds were i dont have to worrie about shit ne more. granted i would miss people but still i want the fuck out