Jan 04, 2014 06:02

Hello to everybody here. It's been a long time since I've posted, heck a long time since I've talked to most of the people on here. Those who keep up here, how have you been?

I've been... Busy, I suppose is a good word. Some major changes since last I actually posted here. Still live in same city metroplex, but everything else is basically different.

My old job laid me off last year, mid-year. Nothing I did, but it was hard. And I had already stopped actually working at the bakery job. I also spent most of the year living with house-mates and all the drama that goes with that.

But now. I'm living in an apartment, just me and Petra!cat again. I have new job/s. *facepalm*

I'm working at a call center for a doctor group office type thing. It's... A hard job, but it's gotten easier. I talk to a lot of sweet senior citizens, and I'm doing really really well. You can't move from the call center for 6 months after starting, but I'm 3 months in, and I'm doing well. My supervisor gave me the task of email aspects which results in overtime. (Which is good, because while if pays more than my last job, Apartment costs here mean I'm baaarely scraping by) And I also get other extra tasks whenever the phones are slow.

I've been told that after the 6 months I'm a shoe in for another position, because of the fact I do take extra tasks. And because the people I talk to remember me, in a good way no-less. And they mention it when they come in. Also the doctor's offices themselves like my notes and attention to detail, which is how I got the email tasks. I guess in three months I'll see for sure how it will go.

The second job is temp and more at my convenience. It's an aviation company that I help with some filing, inventorying, just stuff like that. So it can be a lot of time in a week. But if I'm too exhausted or not feeling well, I can just pass. So that's good.

And pets. I was without my cat for like, a year. It's so dang nice to have her back, let me tell you. But some not so good things. Both of the oldest pets, Dagmar and Mystique died a week apart from each other last year. That was hard. Dagmar I took in to have out to sleep, and Mysti was a shock because there weren't current health issues. But she was both old and super attached to Dagmar, so it no doubt was all about losing her.

Health wise I'm... Okay. No real changes for RA, though between jobs I was off the meds for a month, and it showed on lab results when I finally made it back to the doctor's office. Wasn't enough to hit me beyond that, but another month and it woulda been. I still hurt everywhere during pressure shifts. And I'm really worried about migraines, because each year they seem to get worse and longer lasting. And for all I'm working at a doctor office, my health insurance isn't exactly chronically ill friendly. So I can't afford to get the headaches checked still until I get a raise. But hey, my teeth are still in good shape, when losing last job I got them taken care of for the first time in 10 years, and no gum disease, which had worried me because my mum and brother both had that issue.

Aside from all of that, I write and draw when I can muster the time/will, which is rare, but I miss it a lot. And I'm starting to get the bug to work on what I want to be a big Falconry story. So if I can keep that going maybe I can get that all written. Also, I may be obsessed with tea. Just a touch. I found adagio(I'm lycoris m on there) where you can make your own blends. I have Falconry teas... Also Doctor Who teas. They all make me happy. And tea labels use arting which is nice because it makes me draw, even if I'm not doing much of that just now either.

I suppose that's everything. Now to see if I can back to sleep. Good night everyone.

personal, updates, life

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