Of Problems that Follow. Or Don't

Apr 06, 2012 11:24

Y'know. I've heard it said that if you aren't happy. Moving won't fix it. The feeling goes deeper. But looking at myself. I say what I kinda always pondered. Sometimes it's someone else bringing you down.

Moving to an apartment and out of my mum's place was really the best thing I've ever done for myself. I still get stressed and depressed, and yet ( Read more... )

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lifewaters April 6 2012, 19:27:52 UTC
*nod* I think it's mostly.. just another case of platitudes only applying on a case to case basis. And in my case I'd taken steps towards improvement, but could only go so far when constantly around the stepthing, or even for all I love her, my mum.

And while more or less content, I think I'm again at a pause point. And moving would improve it all. Because I'm still around my mum too much(work1), which means I still have to lie to avoid conflict, and I'm(as you noted and I can't argue) working too much, because work2 is understaffed still and trustworthy employees are hard to come by, and on top of that the pressure fronts in tornado alley can do such wretched changes, so lots of sudden random physical pain.


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