Update of Random

Feb 21, 2012 13:04

Car fixed for free. Yup. Prolly not worth any other big repairs if they come up regardless though.

Roomie ended up being guest. Tis okay though. I think it made nudges in the right direction. Also. The trip was awesomely fun.

Two jobs is exhausting.

My immuno-modulaters are combining with that and taking their toll. Upper respiratory infection in December. Sinus infection now. Spluh. My sinuses do not like my eyes being in my skull right now. It's most irritating.

I finally finished the fourth Green Rider book by Kristen Britain. I still love the series as a whole, but I wish I'd waited on that one. It left a sour taste in my mouth in a few ways, which makes me sad. But most could have been overlooked with a good ending and resolution. Instead it functioned as lead-in to the next book, leaving plotlines hanging and eh. Add that this author's turnover time between books is something like 4 years. 3 to go. Weee. I'd still recommend the series, it's a fun if not the best written series. Just do yourself a favour and stop at 3 until 5 comes out. The 'cliffhanger' there is nothing to this one.

I want a new computer. This isn't a big thing. Mostly just the way I abuse it is no longer acceptable to an over 4 year old laptop. So my use types have decreased drastically for the duration. Sad. Ah well. I can still, chat, write, watch movies, play my car race games, etc. Just no sims house makings or fullout digiart.


And to resolve...

TEA! \o/
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