Dear John... or Work, Whatever.

Jul 14, 2011 17:12

It's not you. It's me. The line to end so many relationships. Not always sincere.

I was just pondering today how it that coming back to my first job after dropping off the mail is so hard for me, but going from there to my second is really easy.

I used to enjoy the first way more than I do now, and it's technically the 'real adult job'. I'm not quitting it, I'm just having trouble with it.

And it's not work, it's me.

Yes, my job has changed some in the four years since I've gotten it, but more than that... I've had it four years. I don't see how people keep jobs like this, that aren't what they really want for their whole lives, even though I seem to be on that track myself.

I'm bored. The job is neither particularly mentally nor physically stimulating. My second job is more physically stimulating, not to the point of exertion, but on my feet, moving around. At least there's something.

Plus it's new. Mostly it's new.

The first job has changed, I do find I'm being given more and more tasks my boss used to handle because she's getting more to do... but then she's asking why everything isn't done in the time frame it used to be.

But more than that I'm noticing things that seem unfair, though they've never changed, seem mundane so much more. I'm dragging more. I'm bored.

But I can't afford to take a plunge, find a real job that I can actually enjoy. Not yet. Maybe in a year. Especially if I can hold on to the second to keep some cash coming in, even if it's not much.

Hopefully I can keep myself going until then. Just another day. And another. And another after that.
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