Nov 02, 2004 09:58
So, until today, I was pretty much pro Bush, but I guess I changed my mind. I mean, there are a lot of facts out there that seem to be surfacing just last night or today. I mean, I didn't know until today that Bush wants to jump start the draft and to ban abortion, and that crap is all beside the whole taking away gay's rights. I don't know if either candidate is qualified anymore.
Think about it this way. Bush is a good actor (and has good writers for that matter) but Kerry's stance on issues tend to be much more appealing to the youth of our nation (even though he seems totally insincere about them because of his lack of acting ability). I just wish that there was a clear choice like everyone says there is.
Hopefully I will have made up my mind by the time I get into that voting booth, otherwise I know a bunch of old people who are going to be wicked pissed about missing their afternoon shows.