david bowe is oddly sexy(especially in the labryinth)

Jun 25, 2004 00:11

i saw her when we woke up and when she came in to see me

i dont like it when my friends have boyfriends, im their plan B

we made a cake last night, well she made a cake i couldnt help :-/

its too much chocolate\\come over and help us finish it

i felt like a loser kind of tonight//mostly because one of my friends kept getting calls every 20 minutes jeeez

we had a good talk waaayyy far from the old st pius talks we had before we knew of half the stuff we talked about it was fun

the next bonfire campout is with molly and holt and emm anyone else?

i like ice cream

im bored

i hate...grr i dont want to start that list

i wrote a snipet again today, i would share it but then again "if you read you judge" grrrrrrr\ \i would share all of it, but then i feel too big headed

life would be so much different if...screw it

in fact, if you observe with any sense, you truely judge...think about it

i do truely love you, everyone (heart for you) come hug me! we all need one..
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