Note - The Friend's only is only for personal post. If you are here for any GC or LP stories, they are private due to horrible grammar and writing. I'm saving your eyes, brain and soul. Trust in me. If you can not view a story, having me add you back will do no good. You still won't be able to view it.
If you don't comment, it'll be a hell of a long time before I become unlazy and go through the growing number.
If you comment, I'll more than likely add you except I've been burnt a few times, so I go through and really don't add back if:
A) I'm the only one added to the Journal. (See my raised eyebrows.)
B) The only community you have added is Maddens. Read the note above. Seriously. I'm not even apologizing for this anymore.
C) You have like 600 friends and only 3 mutual friends. This goes back to my burnt thing, sorry.
D) There's not a single entry.
If you fall under any of those, (except B because I ain't doing nothing about that,) and think I'm being mean, I'm really sorry. I'm not a mean person. I'm actually a very nice person but it's friend's only for a reason. If you want notification that a story has been updated, there's the tag notification thing, add the tag for the title of the story and you'll be notified via your e-mail.
All stories (other than those dating before 2005 that were mentioned above) are public and will stay public. Only personal post are Friends Only.
Edit: HA! It would help if I posted this as public. Fair warning, I can be a complete moron. -_-