Aug 10, 2006 22:43
Tuesday I got up at 6am, went to work for 3 hours and came home. I chilled around the house for the rest of the day. Wednesday did about the same. Slept all day and chilled around the house. Today I got up at 12 and went down to Mott. I worked some stuff out in financial aid and then scheduled my classes. The lady who helped me was super nice. I'm taking...
English 101-17 (Monday and Wednesday 10:30-11:55)
Math 101-14 (Monday and Wednesday 1:00-3:25)
Photography 180-01 (Tuesday 9:00-11:55)
Computers 150-07 (Thursday 12:00-12:55....not for full semester).
She told me to take a fun class so I decided on photography. I mean I like taking pictures. I'll have to buy like a $500 camera but I think it'll be a good investment. I needed one more credit so we went with Intro to computer technology. It's only once a week for an hour...and I'm pretty computer fluent so it'll be super easy. I don't even have to go for the full semester. Just a certain number of weeks and I get to choose those weeks. She made sure that my classes were pretty easily transferable since I'm transferring to Roosevelt in January. Roosevelt is a transfer friendly school anyways so I shouldn't have to big of a problem. I called in for work today and Jessica said she didn't know if she wanted me or not and that she'd have one of the other managers call me on my cell when they got it. Well they never called so I didn't have to work. Tomorrow I might go up to get my schedule or...just call and get it but I haven't decided. I also have to go up to the Flint Journal for my dad in the afternoon so. Just call me if you guys need anything. Lata.