Jun 04, 2006 14:28
oh my goodness. I am in my room updating on my laptop through the internet and it is glorious! I tried getting wireless through this NIC but I failed and became very frustrated. So i did the easy but possibly less stable way and bought a wireless router. It's working for me! and I'm loving it!
I got my laptop this past Weds and they just left it at my front door which was a little unsettling. I didn' like the idea of the laptop I've been saving for all year to just be out in the open for anyone to take. Most people are honest and maybe that wouldn't happen, but it was also supposed to rain that day, on and off. So i called my wonderful neighbor, Lynn, to take it out of the open and she kept it safe in her house. She later returned it and had written "ANDRIA, Have fun!" on the book. She is such a sweetheart :)
I'm a little under the weather, but i'm sure i'll be fine soon. Things are going pretty well. I've been doing my interviewing training at the Lab and everyone says that I'm doing great. Next week we start the next part of the interview, the LEDS. It's a more informal type of interview where you find out more about their life and the people in their life. I get to be nosey :) hehe
Well that's all for now. Take care everyone!