Feb 20, 2009 00:02
My biological clock is ticking a lot faster these days, it seems. I'm 20. One of the most devastatingly unexpected and unplanned things that could happen to me right now would be a pregnancy. It's just that whenever I see babies or toddlers nowadays, I'm so very reactive. I want one of my very own. I cannot wait for the day I am a mother. All frightening aspects of pregnancy aside, I can't wait to meet my future children, almost more than my future husband. I can't wait to have a bundle of unconditional love that I made. When I contemplate it, it seems surreal. It will be a love incomparable to any other. In a way, I cannot wait.
I think I will be a very good mother.
Thinking about my future without any focus on career is so much easier and more peaceful. It's not to say I want to simple resign to being married and pregnant, but I see that in my definite future. I see my wonderful children and family. I just want to get to this peaceful place. Going through all the hoops to get there is taking so long; having to finish college and grad school, obtain a career, find the love of my life, make all of my dreams financially viable... it sounds exhausting. I want to fast-forward. Like usual.
Although, I'm thinking that I may have slightly narrowed my focus on my career. I want to go into criminal analysis, focusing on gang violence and youth participation in gangs. I want to find the root of gangs, why people join, and how it can be solved and made into something positive. I want to use my spanish skills. I want to help youth. I want to be an expert in a field. These are simply ideas, but I think it's a start. It hits to a few different issues I care about, especially within keeping is more or less domestic.