Jul 04, 2006 03:27
Well then, time update you people...lol. Work is the same, i might be getting promoted to superviser, mo' money..hehe. I'm probally leaving the band at the end of july with the singer, to much bullshit happening. Heres the interesting one, I'm going to be starting my new job soon, at night. I'll be a "bouncer" for a porn filming company, interesting ay? They pretty much need someone who witnesses contracts being and money being passed. Heres the fun part, they're giving me a stun gun...HEHE =D. They say i'll be getting $600 - $1,000 a week, so YES!! im taking the job....lol. i'll have my ol' 9 - 5 job, and a 3 night week job. not bad i think. Well that is all for now. Pip pip jolly ol' chap!! PEACE...