Jun 24, 2002 22:01
alright, so here is my entry, since i have decided to finally stop being lazy for the moment
i got back from london about 2 weeks ago
it doesnt feel like it was so long ago, like it was yesterday, but thats how time is
this summer is going well, but it is going too fast
isnt it a little too unfair that it is half over?
i know school is like summer, but its still work for me
unnecessary work...
i felt like i lived in england, like i belonged there ya know?
fuck america, i hate this place for promoting stupidity
there i felt intelligent, like people cared about saying something that meant more than "hey man, lets go drink and drive"
i understand now why americans are hailed as kickshaws
we act it, we set ourselves up for all this pointless behavior
violence is our answer to everything, trifling in things where we dont belong
sigh....enough ranting
i had a fun time this weekend
i tried creating drinks, but didnt do so well, but hey, at least i tried right?
i met some interesting people, had fun, im bored of this entry....