Dec 15, 2004 11:15
Ok... well, since the post was made by James I feel I should respond. First a copy of his post:
Rob, if you ever read this, I don't want to be your friend, unless an apology for screwing me over like this comes my way. It's really not too much to ask. I'd also appreciate a measly "thank you" for all I've done for this place over the last four months, but the apology is all I request.
If you can't handle it, then no worries, I don't expect it to ever happen. However, I don't have enough room in my life for people who cause problems to this kind of scale, and then can't even fess up to them being their own responsibilities. I'm not talking about fixing the issues, just boning up to them and admitting they're your problem.
What makes all of this rediculous, however, is you avoiding me. This is your mess I've been picking up for you, and I'm not even worth of a "Hello" anymore. It's pretty shitty of you, man. Grow out of it, please.
Alrighty, now for my retort. I'm going to bounce around a little first. you say you aren't worthy of a "Hello" anymore and that I avoided you. Close but not quite. What I was avoiding was the situation, not you. The reason I tried my hardest to stay away from the apartment in the last few months is because of the atmosphere there. There were several times that I would spend the night at my dad's, or Ash's and get myself into a good mood and come home and within a couple of minutes of walking in the door, I'd be more depressed than I felt like dealing with. And I'm not putting that on you, but I'm not going to take full responsibility for it either. Hello works both ways man, and I didn't exactly hear you use it the last couple times I came home either. I am also assuming you are including missed phonecalls in your avoidance complaint. I'll address that. If this isn't the case, then disregard these following comments. My phone sucks. There ya go. I have more dead areas than I can count and it just happens to be that Ash's and Dad's house are right smack dab in the middle of those dead areas. There were also times like this past Monday, that my phone was at the apartment while I was at my dad's place. Of course, dead area doesn't cover the fact that I didn't return phonecalls. Ask my dad, or my aunt or anybody that leaves me messages ... returning calls is not my strongsuit. Avoidance is not the same thing as forgetfullness.
Now onto the requests you made. An apology and a thank you. I'm sorry James. Thank you James. I'm sorry you put your faith in me and I couldn't pull through. I'm sorry that for some reason I can't seem to stop my impulsive self when it comes to handling a job. I'm sorry that I dropped the ball. And I'm sorry that this is going to cost me a friend. Thank you for being there monitarily. Thank your dad for me. I am going to try and get money to you and him as I can. Seeing as that I need to go pack my things now, I will end this here. Respond if you wish, your choice.