I hate dont like...

Apr 24, 2004 18:02

...when people tell you how you should/will feel.
...when I'm hurt by an ex and people try to comfort me by saying he is a asshole/bitch/stupid/etc. (basically, dont tell me how much he sucks)
...when someone gets in the middle of a problem between two people

...When people sit there IMing people while you're on the phone with them
...When you go out with someone and they spend the whole time on the phone with someone else
...The whole trend of being depressed People... be happy! life is so much better when we're happy!!!
...Being alone
...Fake people
...People who really care what other's think of them When you spend your life worring about whether someone will think you're 'weird' for doing something, life SUCKS!!! Anyone who doesn't like you because you dated an 8th grader or whatever else you do, doesn't deserve you as a friend. If someone lets something that unimportant make them not like you, they suck and you shouldn't be wanting their friendship.

...Sarcasm on AIM. I can never be sure if their serious or not.
...Guys who play games like waiting 3 days to call thing or being "busy".

...toilet paper that rolls the 'wrong' way!! I can't STAND it... I always hafta take it off the thing and fix it. lol.
...TJ's friends
...Ryan Seacrest
...PpL wHo TyPe LyKe DiS!!!
...censorship in music
...when I don't get comments on my journal
...insecure people

...Cats For one, I'm allergic to cats. Also, they poop in a box inside your house. That starts to stink if people don't clean it enough and I refuse to clean it since I don't actually want the cats
...The creases on my stomach from how I sit.

...people who talk shit about others
...hate. Hate is the most pointless emotion. Hating a person won't benefit you in any way. Obsessing over the fact that you hate someone is pointless. Seriously. Tell me one time when hating someone benefited you. If someone bugs you, then just forget about them. Don't be bitchy to them because that doesn't do anything good. Just be polite and when they leave, forget about them.
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