If you watch B rated movies then the costumes make sense

Nov 04, 2003 05:49

Ok so, fuck Xmas... thats what I am telling myself. If it is going to be shitty then it will be shity Se La Vie! There is really no sense in me fucking worrying about it 7 weeks ahead of time. I figure, anyone pisses me off closer to that time I will just #!@? in a box and wrap it up for them *evil grin*

I just had a four day weekend free to do what I please, and really I didnt do a whole lot of anything. Mainly I relaxed, played alot of video games and trivial persuit, and did a hell of a lot of cooking. I was somehow elected kitchen bitch this weekend, but hey I guess you'll have that.

So its back to work, and what a way to start my 7 days straight work week, by not sleeping at all last night. I am still up from yesturday morning when I awoke. And I am sure my ass will be dragging by the end of the day.

Tonight sindereiia and I are going to Pats in the Flats to see ryedood's band and LickGoldenSky. If you read her journal then you know all about why she loves them. I will leave it to her for explaining.

Well thats all Ive got!
Till next time kiddies. Dont forget your guns at recess.
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