The Chinese are my new best friends

Jun 16, 2009 16:10

We went to a Chinese restaurant supply store today to snoop around, there have been rumors that they sell Root Beer. Since the only soda options here are Coke, Sprite, and weird fruity fizzy drinks....the thought of root beer was too tempting to pass up. Plus it was a nice day out and thus perfect for taking a stroll.

We found the root beer. Alex found the crazy rabbit sweets he's addicted to, his "bunny candy" that he searches for every time we enter a Chinese store. We also found ice tea mix and graham crackers! SCORE!

I didn't question why these items we've been craving for 8 months are only to be found in a Chinese store....just threw them in my basket and took them home with glee. Of course when I got home I had to decided between a root beer float or graham crackers and ice tea. I'm not good at decision I had both!

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