My life in a nutshell - or, more accurately, in a bin.

Nov 05, 2005 17:34

I think the contents of a person's bin say quite a lot about them and their lifestyle.

My bin currently contains:

- several takeaway leaflets (chinese, indian, pizza)
- about a million used tissues
- empty lemsip sachets
- a contact lens solution bottle
- an empty packet of mince pies
- an empty wine bottle

From that list, I reckon someone could easily deduce that I am ill (hence the tissues and lemsip), yet this does not stop me drinking too much wine (hence the wine bottle), I am blind as a bat (hence the contact lenses), I am addicted to mince pies and I am so lazy I can't be arsed to cook (hence the takeaway leaflets.) Pretty accurate really...

(And, Mark - when I read back through that, I realised I'd originally written content's instead of contents...!!! My standards are slipping to those of the Dutch...arrgghhh)


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