(no subject)

Mar 27, 2005 12:34

Last night went a bit wrong, for various reasons, all of which leads me to one conclusion: I am stupid.

I meant to get all my filing done, then do a bit of work, then go to bed early. Well, none of these things were accomplished. Firstly, it is taking me HOURS to file all my notes....aaaarghhh why didn't I do it as I went along? Why???

Then, I did a really, really clever thing. I emptied out the contents of my hole-punch into my bin....forgetting that my bin is WICKER. So of course, all the little circles of paper went cascading into the bin - and straight back out of it through the criss-cross holes in the sides. That took quite a while to clear up (cue much swearing at the bin, myself, and paper in general.)

By about 10pm, I was so sick of filing that I decided to take a 'short break' and check my email. But then Dad came in and tried to persuade me to watch something on tv, and I am so weak that I was like "oh ok then!" What I should have said was, "no Dad, sorry, I am busy filing my notes and that has to be my priority." But no....I went happily through into the sitting room, and once that particular programme hadfinished, what did I do? Did I go to bed early like I had intended? No, I didn't....I proceeded to watch the film "Sliding Doors" for the next hour-and-a-half.

I then discovered that the clocks had gone forward an hour without me noticing, so it was now 2:10am. And I couldn't even see my bed because of the piles of paper that covered it.

So I slept until 12 today. Again. And I STILL haven't finished the damned filing, so I STILL haven't done any work.

Yes....I am stupid...
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