(no subject)

Jan 17, 2005 16:05

Got back to Cambridge yesterday, and it feels so nice to be here again. This is more home to me than anywhere else.

Yesterday, when I was sitting in my half-unpacked room with Adele and my parents, we heard the flat door opening, then Jenny's voice floated along the corridor: "HELLO, FUCKHEAD!" There was a shocked silence as the words died away, then Jenny arrived at my door and noticed my parents sitting there....I have never seen anyone go quite so red. She must have apologised about 20 times!!! My parents took it remarkably well, actually - it was obvious they were shocked, but they recovered fast and were able to hold a civil and reasonably friendly conversation with her...

Went over to Ellie's last night for dinner, but when we got there she realised she'd forgotten to defrost the chicken, so there wasn't actually any food for us to eat. Jamie had to walk over to Tesco and buy pizza, which he then proceeded to cook for us, along with salad etc! It's great, I think Jamie is scared we all hate him now after he messed Ellie around last term, so he's making a special effort to play The Perfect Boyfriend whenever we're around!!

Today I have mostly been....avoiding revision, even though I have a mock TOMORROW MORNING. Hmm, I just can't quite be bothered. My room is still full of carrier bags that need unpacking, but they'll just have to wait for a few more days until I've sorted myself out. Mike came over earlier because he was up at Fitz delivering a prize for Harriet; he was only going to stay for 10 minutes, but that turned into about 50. Oops. I have soooooo many lectures to read before my mock tomorrow....never mind. I'll just stay up ridiculously late tonight, and will sleep tomorrow afternoon...it'll be fine...

I don't really have anything else to write - I am feeling really good, for the first time in months I haven't got random thoughts whirling uncontrollably round my head driving me mad. I just wasn't particularly happy living at 'home', isolated with just my parents; it makes such a difference having people around, having goals to pursue - having some sort of purpose. I should be stressed, but instead all I feel is calm and content :) It's nice. Long may it last!! Lol.
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