look at me... i havent eaten in days.... i love you... eat shit...

Jul 15, 2004 22:07

i realize people are dicks sometimes, but you just have to deal with it... and for those of you are dicks you better watch out cause im a fuhking chop that shit off! and im dead fuhking serious about that...
ok news flash., dont fall head over heals.. cause you'll totally end up eating shit! and its not a pretty prosses to go through, its not fun, it sucks, cause if you stop and really think about it the majorty of society bitches about eating shit after falling head over heals for some retard that isnt worth bitching over... but its their own fault, because they have friends, they have family, and alot of the time both friends and family can tell if the person your falling for is actually worth taking that jump... and its up to the person to decide to take the advise o not, and what they do with the advise is up to them soo the main picture is you can only make your dreams come true... and you are the only one who can set your self up for disater..

ok enough with that ... my life has been great people now n days are still the same which could use a change in some.. i love life..
i have a little secret
well its not really a secret anymore
cause i could help but to say i have the hots for #2

one of my good friends once told me life can get you down sometimes but thats life you always have your ups n downs. but when its time for the downs you just have to keep striving forward with or with out regrets but life just wouldnt be life with out regrets....

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