Apr 26, 2005 12:58
I hate not being able to trust people. I've tried now for more than a year to trust and confide in the same people I used to, but now it just doesn't seem to work anymore. They don't seem to listen and they sometimes don't even seem to care. I've kind of gotten to the point where I can't really trust anyone--with the exception of maybe 3 people. Kinda retarded, right? Yeah, I thought so. It really makes me appreciate the people I can confide in though because I know they've been there for me and I know they're going to be.
(*Skips to different subject*) ...And it seems like I'm not the only one who thinks this now. It kinda takes a lot off my mind to know that someone else is thinking it too and that I'm just not being paranoid and insane.
I think there's something wrong with me. I can talk to a person that I don't know for about a minute before I start feeling really uncomfortable with the situation. I can't talk to people. And I don't know why. It should come naturally... I've always been able to talk to people and act like myself, but lately I haven't been capable of doing that whatsoever. I don't get it.
Aaaand just like I thought would happen, I've completely run out of meaningful things to say--despite random pointless things I think about.... like Mr. Rigo gesturing wildly while talking about Nazis. But I'm going to write out every single random thing I'm thinking anyway... just to keep myself entertained. :-)
Yay we get to watch a movie!
Too bad it's going to be horribly boring..
But not to worry! I've got my trusty book on here that I can immerse myself in
while everyone else has to endure a typical, boring black-and-white movie. mwahahaha.
it's really warm in here.. and not the nice, comforting warm, but rather the supressing summer kind of warm.
IIII am definitely going to the Louvre Museum before I die.
i can't wait till i have a car. :-)
I want a greeen one. or maybe red. iiii don't know.
Has anyone ever seen the Red Green show?? It's awesome.
I think it's on channel 16 sometimes.
Heh, it's funny.
Everyone should watch it.
My gum is getting old.
Tetris sounds REALLY amusing right now.
*runs off to go play the game*