(no subject)

Feb 02, 2006 14:31

I got interviewed for a girl interviewing people for music in one of her classes. It was flattering. Here is how some of it went.

Nicole - How did you get in to music?

Jeff Sorensen - Well, I was kinda of in and out of it when I was younger, I didnt really pay attention to everything in the songs, just if it had a hook. But I heard of a band called Our Lady Peace from friends and really took a liking to the lyrics and the musical arrangements, It kind of changed my life.

Nicole - What is your favorite song of all time?

Jeff Sorensen - For me it is kind of difficult to put one song above any other because I have so many favorites. But I'll name a few, Like Jeff Buckley - So real, Our Lady Peace - One Man Army, and Radiohead - Paranoid Android, if I had to try and narrow it down to the ones I most respect on terms of lyrics and arrangement.

Nicole - I like all of those songs, but I have not heard of Jeff Buckley before, who is he?

Jeff Sorensen - Jeff Buckley was a musician who died in 1997 of an accidental drowning. Most people in the mainstream scene do not really know who he is but his music has been highly inspiration to those in the mainstream music scene, by which I mean popular bands. He to me is what I strive to be like. His voice is unbelieveable and beautiful.

Nicole - I should check him out.

Jeff Sorensen - You really should.

Nicole - How do you go about the process of writing music?

Jeff Sorensen - Well, it is not like I take my guitar and sit down and tell myself that I am going to write the best song ever, cause that will leave me without an idea and I will simply give up and go do something else. Usually it starts when a melody will pop in to my head, and I will run an get my guitar and try and write it all down.

Nicole - So the music comes before the lyrics?

Jeff Sorensen - Well, it really depends. Sometimes I will get a few lines created in my head out of no where and I will write it down and maybe interlace it with something I have already written. Bubt when a lyric comes in my head, it usually accompanies a melody which is really helpful some times.

Nicole - Sounds kind of difficult.

Jeff Sorensen - It can be at times, but when you write something that is good, and you go back and keep listening to it, and it is still good, then you have something there.

Nicole - What do your friends and family think of your music?

Jeff Sorensen - Considering they are my friends and family, they sometimes go out of there ways to be nice and tell me that my music is really good, or that I can go somewhere with this song, but I can tell they try to sideline their real opinions and critiques because I am so close with them. So it is hard to get a truthful answer.

Nicole - What about some fans that you got?

Jeff Sorensen - Well, the fans that I have, email me with there opinions, which I use and help fix up mistakes I may have missed in songs that I post on my website. They are brutally honest and I thank them for that. If a guitar line is a little off, they will tell me. If my voice is a little off, they will tell me.

Nicole - Do you ever get opinions that erks you the wrong way?

Jeff Sorensen - There was this one time when this guy emailed me and told me I had to high of a voice. I just emailed him back and said thanks, I am proud of it. So I guess that kind of erked me as you said.

Nicole - What kind of song is harder to write, uptempo, or soft?

Jeff Sorensen - For me it is uptempo, cause when I write uptempo or harder edged music, I tend to put a lot of work in to it, adding many different sounds and backround ambiance to it. As for soft, it is kind of easy picking out the chords and structure and putting emotion in to it to get peoples ethreal attention.

Nicole - What are you currently working on at this time?

Jeff Sorensen - My current project is making an acoustic cd. I have a load of ideas written down and a whole notebook of lyrics in which to choose from, but I am really busy, so it is a little harder to dedicate a larger portion of my life to complete it.

Nicole - Any idea of when you will have it out for us to listen?

Jeff Sorensen - Well, it is hard to say, but hopefully late spring or early summer.

Nicole - Awesome, Thanks so much for taking time for this interview.

Jeff Sorensen - It was my pleasure.
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