What I do when things go wrong ...

Mar 14, 2012 18:49

Yesterday, when the spring was almost there the winter took over again. It snowed heavily, ice covered the pavements, sun went away and we all appeared in mid-winter again. That caused plenty annoyed Facebook updates, photos and disappointed sighs. That was just a snow...

We all get bad days once in a while. Usually we can feel it from the morning. We feel it, convince yourself that it's true and start concentrating on the problems. They on their turn feel happy from the attention and show up at their best. So we feed them up and make sure that they stay in and we feel miserable for the whole day accordingly. That's what I did with many others... but not anymore.
I have several ''tricks'' which make me forget about the snow and similar ''disasters'' and keep my good mood. Today was a potential bad day. I saw really unpleasant dream, it was icy and cold when I went out and I received a rejection letter for my guest post... But instead of feeling sorry and sad, I pulled myself together and called back my good mood.

Below are the small tricks I usually use:
  • Smile - maybe it sounds crazy, but once you try you will see it works. Start your day with a smile. One smile in the bathroom mirror can make miracles!
  • Music - turn on those beats that make you happy, sing along or move. Simply give music a chance and it will give you a cure
  • Surrounding - make a place at home, where you feel most comfortable and relaxed. Have nice photos around, nice things that you like looking at, bright colors, candles, ect. This place will be your escape from the bad mood, where it will not be able to find you
  •  Memories - recall the happiest moments of your life. Re-live them once more. Concentrate on how you felt back then and bring back that feeling
  • Happy hour - plan something for the day that will make you feel better. Meet friends, go out for a walk, have that forbidden chocolate bar, read a book, watch a movie, sip your coffee/tea/cocktail with no hurry - whichever is for you. Just schedule a time slot, when it will be only about you
  • Workout - yes, I know that on those days you especially feel lazy to workout. But believe me this is the best way to charge your body energy. Maybe promising yourself the ''happy hour'' mentioned above may contribute to the motivation. In any case, working out helps me release stress, boost energy and on long run look much better
  •   Daydream - there is something you want, long for, hope to happen, dream of. Think about that. Decide when it will happen and wait. Even if it doesn’t happen soon (it's forbidden to think that it won't happen at all!) it will bring positive emotions meanwhile
  • Thank you - maybe at this exact moment you feel unfortunate, but think once more. Go through all the things you are grateful for and you will realize that you have much more than you thought
  • Activity - things will not change if you stay passive. If there are things, which you do not like in your day, do something to change. Be active and move. People, who are on the top, did not fall there from the sky, right? They did not get there lying on the coach either
  • Attitude - things like the weather though, will not change, even if you are active. But for those things, just change your attitude towards them. Think if the things which annoy you today will matter in few years. Most probably they won't. Why put such importance in that case?

So next time it snows in spring don't rush to your Facebook account and update your status.
Have a nice day!
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