Feb 29, 2012 11:23
Me, myself and I are sitting in a dark room and looking at each other...
None of us speaks and each of us is sunk in different mood, emotion and thoughts. Three of us are so like each other, but at the same time so different. We know everything about each other but at the same time we don't know each other completely.
When the Silence got too tense and started occupying more space in the room than we had allocated to her, Me spoke.
Me: You think it's ok to spend days doing nothing?
Silence annoyed and offended faded away...
I: Well, yes. It's cold and grey outside, I am tired and doing nothing is the perfect things to do now.
Myself: A-ha. That's just and excuse. You should do plenty of things you are not doing. Work out, cook or at least - write!
Me coughing deliberately to make the statement sound more dramatic asked:
- By the way what happened to that great book you started writing?
Myself winked to Me and both pair of eyes smiled to each other.
I: Well if you both did not chase the Muse away, maybe he could help me out! He got jealous from the fact that you two are always next to me and left. So you will have to put up with the lazy I from now on!
Me: Great! As always you put the blame on Muse. Are you sure he ever visited you? Maybe it was just a vision, dream or your imagination? Are you sure he exists and even if he does, if he has anything in common with you?
Myself: Ha-ha. Let's organize a ''Muse calling ritual''.
I: Look, I really appreciate the fact that you don't leave me alone, but maybe you could simply stay unnoticed, silent and talk to each other not me?
Me: Maybe, but since we are somewhat part of you we can't. You are such an extravert after all!
Myself: Extravert and VERY talkative, so Silence is none of your friend. The poor thing came just for few minutes and you already started to panic.
Me: Yeah. I actually saved you by starting a conversation.
I: Thanx, you both are so sensitive to all my needs. One could only dream of such compassion J
Me: You are welcome. After all if not you we would not exist...
Myself: And maybe that would be for good...
I: Ok... you're right; it's time to get back to that great book. Let's get to the preparatory stage and finally write that thing!
Me and Myself started preparing the required environment.
Me ran to the kitchen and brought the beer. Myself turned on the music and brought the laptop.
I sat, sipped the beer, and closed the eyes for few second to feel the words.
Our fingers met the keyboard buttons, which waited for them since very very long.