Today's Challenge:
Write down your top three dreams. Now write down what's holding you back from them.
Today's entry:
So, here's my dilemma. I feel like I should be giving different, brilliantly unique answers to each of these questions. If you ask me what my goal is 5 different ways, though, and I give you 5 different answers, then I don't really have any idea what my goal is, do I?
Here are 3 big dreams/goals that I've mentioned in other #Trust30 posts:
- See the Earth from space Day 5
- Learn Mandarin Chinese Day 15
- Re-commit to my workout Day 7
I suppose that #1 is really a Capital-D dream the others are more of a path to a dream and to my own self-actualization. I should also add that these are entirely personal development goals, not family, work, or material goals. I can't chart the course of my family, and the basics of raising my daughter well and taking care of her and my wife are always going to be a fundamental priority of my life.
What's holding me back? Well, #1 is pretty obvious it's not feasible yet. So, I can just try to stay in shape and count my pennies. I've started practicing Mandarin after my work hours, when I'm spending time with my daughter, because it only requires listening (not my face glued to a screen). Exercise got thrown off by a cold, but I'm working on doing my basic workout before I turn on the computer in the morning. That's a big stumbling block for me, practically.
No real excuses, in other words. I need to keep doing what I'm doing. I'm working hard to stay focused on a couple of big priorities (like #2 and #3) and not spread myself too thin. One of the dangers of these introspective periods is going plan crazy and trying to take on the world in a week. That makes for a great week followed by 3 months of failure. I'd rather have steady success, even if it isn't as sexy.