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Sep 02, 2005 22:21

welll folks, so i really havent updated this thing in a while have i?so basically im going to give a lowdown of whats been going on in katrina's life lately...

Today in chemistry my friend Alex*cough*michael jackson hands*cough* drowned my pet roach[fake] pete in her water bottle, it was pretty funny.the pep rally today was so-so.i turned 15 ! yeaaaa! finally,lol.corinna and i went and took retarded pictures w/ pooh&piglet at mcdonalds the other day[poohs face looked all smashed in. it was hilarious!] my mom and i have been fighting like very day and i hate it.guitar is coming along really good, i love it o-so much!i went to this walkabout thingy w/ my grandma& her old lady friend tonight and my g-dizzle basically rocks. hehe, a couple of weekends ago i went to this shrimp festival thingy with my dad and we chowed down like crazy,funfun.i was/am depressed because im stupid and way to hopeful.

the gay hurricane, that just happens to hav my name , literally destroyed new orleans and a lt of other places. i cried when i was watching a documentary thing on it.i couldnt even imagine the magnitude of all of it.i cant really pay attention in school anymore and i dont know why.its really weird. lol, i went horseback riding with my two best friends and had a flippin blast!! ohhhhh, i FINALLY got limewire*celebrates*.plus i have a myspace now. i dont know my name,lol.

yea, so really, i have a boring life and i try to make it interesting. which sometimes works.

later cool kids :D

I hate Frosted Flakes, but it makes a difference when you give them to me...
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