It took so much to get me tocome to the realization that I am not in charge. It's time to change. And this pain is gone, Thank God I lost my friends, God didn't take my friends he DELIVERED me from them.
I've been acting like a little kid. It's like if you're playing in the street and Daddy picks you up and takesyou out but you still throw a fit cause of what you missed. You missed being hit by a car!
I've been hurt and crying about all this stuff because I miss it but what they were doing to me was actually so horrible and God didn't take my best friends, he delivered me from them. I should be praising him for it not crying about it.
See what I didn't realize is that my friends actually had a chain around my neck with ords and actions. They actually had a level of control overme that was ungodly and did hinder me horribly. They were degrading and they were constantly telling me everything wrong with me. EVERYTHING. And they were incredibly arrogant. One of them went to sonrise for about 3 weeks and kept telling me how the pastors misquote the scriptures, but he wasn't listening to what theyw ere sayinghe was nitpicking at them, and he is 19, finally Noah told him, you need to stop hanging out with highschoolers and go to the college group because you're not a little kid anymore, you're degrading yourself and you don't belong here. And he threw a fit, the kindof "Noah doesn't like me I'm leaving " toddler tantrum. The other one would actually pressure me to date certain guys or do certain things with guys, they both pressured me to do what they wanted allthetime, and they were sooo degrading.
And I have been so free without them in my life.
It took me leaving my house, and getting into a major cussing screaming fight with my parents to realize how far off my life is. Praise God for all this!
I got a job at Sea World. I went to the job fair with Dustin just for support, and I thought I'd apply for fun and apparently I'm REALLY good at interviews. I talked about my experience with Children and animals and Musical Theatre and he hired me on the spot. I'm completely floored. But I feel a little bad cause Dustin didn't get anything :/
But its all in God's plan.