Title: Ficlet list and links for my 1000 Drabbles of Awesome contributions
Author: foxmonkey
Characters/Pairings: Martha/Ten (most), Martha/Jack (1 ficlet)
Ratings: G to NC-17
Spoilers: Series 3-4
Disclaimer: I own nothing except two headstrong cats and an insane husband.
Author Notes: My contributions to the 1000 Drabbles of Awesome effort are listed below. :-) I can't believe it's over, I'm already having withdrawal pains!
Most are Martha/Ten, with one or two Martha/Jack ficlets thrown in for good measure. Some links have more than one ficlet on the page, though they're unrelated, except: Francine is a Time Lord, Martha meets Reinette and The Doctor's lost, Martha goes to find him; these are multi-ficlet stories written using more than one prompt.
Congrats again to the other drabblers. It was a ton of fun and I wouldn't have missed it for anything!
Here be dragons.
I am the Wizard of Speed and Time.
Martha wants to learn Gallifreyan.
Someone in Martha's family thinks about her traveling with the Doctor.
Martha cashes in the Judoon compensation.
Martha and the Doctor have a child together.
Is that what I think it is?The Doctor shows up at Christmas dinner.
The Doctor hurts himself and is a big baby about it.
The Doctor buys Martha some underwear.
The Tardis has a nightmare.
Breakfast in bed.
The Doctor needs a new suit.
The two missing pages from John Smith's diary.
Martha returns and the Doctor finds out she's in a relationship.
A Jones family wedding.
Jack sees Ten and Martha, but they don't see him.
Next to the Tardis key on a chain around her neck, there's a wedding ring.
Martha wears the Doctor's coat.
Martha wears the Doctor's coat, take two.
Martha helping the Doctor shave when he injures his arm.
Martha and Jack are engaged.
Two heartbeats. Rather, two sets of heartbeats... Francine is a Time Lord:
1) Francine is a Time Lord.
2) "I...can't tell you..."
3) "It's never too late."
4) Francine on the TARDIS.
Martha meets Reinette:
1) Martha meets Reinette.
2) Martha by candlelight.
The Doctor's lost. Martha goes to find him:
1) The Doctor's lost. Martha goes to find him.
2) Well, my heart knows me better than I know myself...