Title: Oblivion
Author: tenmartha4ever
Characters: Ten, Martha, OCs. Hints of 10/Martha
Rating: PG-13, for death
Spoilers: Series 3 episodes 42, Human Nature
Summary: Things, frankly, get out of hand.
Disclaimer: The BBC owns Doctor Who. I, unfortunately, do not.
Author Notes: Not too sure of this chapter. Might not make a lot of sense. And it is
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Comments 5
But good news though - action!smart!brainy!Martha still to come over the next few chapters!
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I hope to have the next chapter up next week, providing I manage to handwrite it out over the weekend.
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And I haven't reviewed your story for a long time - that is bad of me.
Just need to make amendments to a one shot fic I'm working on and then I'll make tracks to review your latest chapter!
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