Martha: Epilogue

Dec 27, 2012 23:18

Title: Martha
Author: mewiet
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Martha Jones, Ninth Doctor, Julia Swales, and Oliver Morgenstern
Disclaimer: Obviously I don't own Doctor Who or I wouldn't be writing fanfic for it.
Summary: What would've happened if Nine had met Martha instead of Rose when the Nestene Consciousness invaded Earth?
Author’s Notes: Thanks for reading!

Previous Chapters:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three

Chapter Four



"Distal row: trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate!" Julia said, pointing to a shot glass for each hand bone that she mentioned.

"Don't forget the metacarpal bones," Martha smirked. She pulled a drink tray towards her and picked off the final three shots. "Extending in three distinct phalanges: proximal, middle, and distal!"

Julia picked up one of her shots and clinked it against Martha's. "Bottom's up!"

Martha threw her head back and swallowed the shot in a single gulp. As soon as she set the shot glass on the table, she picked up another and downed that too. She repeated the same process with the third glass and then took a break to watch Julia down a fourth.

"Looks like you're gettin' a little woozy over there, Oliver. You all right?"

Oliver pushed out of the booth, quivering like a Palm Tree. "More shots!" he announced before wobbling towards the bar.

"I'm a little worried about him," Julia confided in their peer's absence. "I think he was putting them down before we got here."

Martha nodded sympathetically. "Ever since Rita disappeared…" She pressed her lips into a tight line, thinking back to that day nearly a month earlier when she'd met The Doctor on the ninth floor of her med school; it was the same night of the fire and the night Rita Afzal had vanished. Some believed she perished in the fire, but her remains had never been found. "He took it pretty hard."

"He'd been gearing up to ask her out."

Martha nodded as Oliver stumbled back to the table and plopped three shots down, sloshing out nearly half of each one. He grabbed one of the glasses and held it into the air, spilling more. "Piss up!"

"You want to call the cab or should I?" Julia whispered.

"I was going to take a cab home anyway," Martha replied in a hush. "He can come with me, I'll eat the cost." She slid out of the booth to stand beside Oliver, just in case he ended up toppling over.

Julia followed her friend's lead, taking up a position on Oliver's opposite side. She held up her glass. "To the end of second term!"

"To the end of second term!" Martha agreed, clinking her glass against Julia's.

Oliver muttered something unintelligible and banged his glass against Martha's and Julia's, spilling what remained in his shot. He didn't seem to notice, however, and sloppily pressed the glass to his lips.

Martha quickly downed her drink and set the empty glass on the table. "Whoa, there!" She caught Oliver by the shoulder and braced her arm against his back to keep her upright.

Oliver's arm slumped around Martha's shoulders. He smiled loosely at her, all the while tangling his fingers into her hair. "You hoov neace air," he slurred. "Ri-tah had neeeace air shoo."

Julia patted Oliver on the back. "Come on, Ollie. We're gonna get you home." She positioned Oliver's other arm over her shoulders and assisted Martha in walking him out to her car.

"Good thing he hasn't got plans tomorrow, because he's going to wake up feeling like a house fell on top of him." Martha held their friend upright while Julia hailed a cab. "You going with us?"

"I think I'm going to stay and have another drink or two."

"You're sure?"

"Hey, I'm a girl who can hold my liquor, Miss Martha Jones. You should know." She winked. "Besides, I think I saw a cute lady watching me over at the bar earlier and I'd like to know if she's still there."

Martha chuckled as a cab pulled up to the curb. She nudged Oliver into the backseat. "Good luck with that," she said, giving Julia a parting hug. "Let me know what happens."

"I don't kiss and tell," Julia joked. She bent down and peeked into the back of the cab. "'Night, Oliver!"

Martha ducked into the backseat next to her plastered friend and shut the door. She watched to make sure Julia got back into the club safely.

"Where to?"

It was a North accent, but not just any North accent: "Doctor!" She leaned forward and caught The Doctor's face in the reflection of the rearview mirror. "What are you doing here?"

"It looks like I'm driving home a slobbery mess, doesn't it?"

"So, what? You're space stalking me now?"

"Time stalking, if you can call it 'stalking.' You humans are so predictable." He pulled onto the road. "Congratulations, by the way."

"On what?"

"Acing your exams."

"No spoiler alert this time?"

"It's not a spoiler when you already knew you were going to do it. By the way, how's Tish?"

Martha allowed her head to incline, hiding a smile against her chest at the fact that he'd been considerate enough to remember. "Better," she admitted. "She was pretty upset with me there for a while, but I can't say I blame her. If I'd been in her place, I probably wouldn't have liked you much either. The good thing is that she hasn't told anyone. Probably because they'd think her mad. Most people seem to think that the mannequin attack was some kind of cybernetic meltdown. That's what the news media has been going with anyway, even if it's utter bollocks."

"UNIT PR," The Doctor scoffed.



The Doctor pulled into the Oliver's parking complex and took a spot at the far end corner. He opened the back left door and yanked the bumbling young man out.

"Oi! Be careful with him!" Martha scampered out behind Oliver. She raised her index finger. "And don't throw him over your shoulder!"

The Doctor seemed ready to argue, but surprisingly acquiesced to her request.

"And I won't be the one cleaning up sick if you jostle him about too much."

"All right already!" he snorted.

"I suppose you've already looked up his flat number too?"

"You think the TARDIS can travel in time and space but she can't look up an address?"

"The TARDIS is a she now?"

"She's always been a she."

Martha smirked as they got up the staircase to Oliver's flat. She turned suddenly and jammed her hand into The Doctor's inner pocket. His bulging eyes made her laugh as she pulled out his sonic. "You Time Lords are so predictable." She pointed the sonic screwdriver at the door handle, but nothing happened.

"You broke it."

"I did not!"

The Doctor cracked a half-smile. "Point and think."

Martha tried again, this time waving the sonic back and forth over the handle. The node lit up and she pictured the levers inside the lock sliding apart in her mind's eye. The hum of the sonic continued until the locks clicked and then Martha twisted the handle and let the door swing open.

The Doctor snatched his sonic back and waved it in the darkness of the flat as they entered. The lights began to pop on as though they were motion activated, tunneling all the way back to Oliver's bedroom.

Martha halted just inside the doorframe. Standing beside Oliver's closet was the TARDIS, in all its wooden blue glory. "You parked your spaceship in my friend's bedroom?"

"He wasn't using it." The Doctor plopped Oliver into bed and dusted off his hands. "Now that that's taken care of, let's go."

"You're still on about that?" Martha pulled the covers up around her friend.

"You said another time. It is another time," he said, tapping his watchless wrist.


"You've just finished your exams and you said yourself that you've patched things up with your sister."

"Patching," Martha corrected. "It's a work in progress." She shook her head. "Why do you want me anyway? It's not the end of the world again, is it? Do you need me to save you?" she smirked.

"It's not the end of the world." The Doctor pushed the TARDIS door open. "But I could take you there."

"Get out."

"One trip," he offered. "Just to say thank you."

"You already did that." Martha took a step nearer towards the open door, her resolve collapsing like Jenga blocks. "One trip?"

"One trip."

"Well," Martha said, sauntering up to the door, "I guess if you went through the trouble of coming all the way across the universe just to ask me on a date, it'd probably bruise your ego if I refused, wouldn't it?"

"It's not a date."

"For the record, I'm not remotely interested, I only go for humans." She quickly brushed past him into the TARDIS.

"Good!" The Doctor lingered in the doorway, watching Martha as she circled the console. He smiled discreetly and stepped inside, closing the door behind himself. Moments later a whirring, whooshing sound filled Oliver's bedroom and the TARDIS disappeared, leaving only fluttering med school notes in her wake.


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