Word of the present:
a. a divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul.
b. the divine quality of the writings or words of a person so influenced.
awakening, creativity, deep think, elevation, encouragement, enthusiasm, exaltation, illumination, influence, insight, motivation, muse, revelation, vision
How do you inspire someone? Inspiring someone is one of the most important and best feelings there are. I'm not a writer, but I've been incredibly inspired by someone to write. If you wanted to inspire someone, how would you do it? Passion is a big part of inspiration. If you are not passionate about something, how can you inspire someone else to be passionate? How to you exude passion? Smile? Be happy? I think it's more than just that. Obviously actions speak louder than words, but what about those words? You don't have to be HAPPY to inspire someone. I have my worst days possible, but I still want to be an inspiration, and my end result is that I AM happy.
Who inspires you? Why are they an inspiration? Because they have cute clothes and a fun smile? Nah .. (ok maybe a little!!!).. but really, what is it about that person. Think about someone who really inspires you. It could be your best friend, your dog, your math teacher, or hey, even your favorite Broadway singer ;). Inspiration is a very deep emotion and when someone inspires you, you should accept that emotion entirely.
I can think of a few people that inspire me. They inspire me because of what they do/did. They may not have been the best people, and a few of them I didn't even know personally. But it is the work they did for others that made them an inspiration. To put yourself out there and be vulnerable is very inspiring to me. To live a life that may not be perfect, but you still want to make others happy.. is inspiring to me. To suffer hardships but still walk on.. is inspiring to me.
Inspiration and genius--one and the same.
Victor Hugo
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.
Maya Angelou
Inspiration is why I teach willPower & grace. I was inspired, and now I want to inspire. Think about the person who inspires you the most, and why do they inspire you? Now make a wish :)
Songs to download:
"You'll Never Walk Alone" - Judy Garland or Elvis Presley version
"Explosive" - Bond