Oct 31, 2002 23:07
I really don't understand why I keep writing in this Journal. No one ever reads this thing and if some strange wanderer ever accidentally falls upon it I never know, because I never have any comments left for me to ponder. Wow, my English professor would have loved that sentence. I guess I'm just asking for a little feedback. I would like to know that somebody there cares enough to read mine. Like Daniel I read yours all the time. I agree with you on the "butter" issue. I have actually switched to olive oil for all of my cooking needs. And George I have read the same entry on yours for the past six days. I would read other people but I don't know your livejournal names. I did read one the other day by some girl in Maryland who had some of the same interest listed as me. What I'm saying is show the love people, just show the love. I'm going to go attempt to write a paper that I have been avoiding.