lent day 12: project checklist

Mar 01, 2016 12:20

Here's the work stuff that I'm trying to get done now in the next three weeks.  I'm putting it here mainly because lent - i use Wunderlist and Inbox as my primary checklist reminder, but I need to post something here since i'm already behind, and since all of this stuff is on my brain right now, then i might as well put all of the stuff i'm doing here, and use this to update my Wunderlist.

1. Deal with logistical set up of The Light Within for rehearsals and performance.  (six headphone setup and speaker setup.)  Also, practice that thing.
2. Deal with logistics of the last temple bowl for Dark Passenger, along with trap stands.
3. Print out posters and distribute.
4. Gather program notes and bios, create large program and small programs, address stage plot logistics for the concerts.
5. Update website, calendars, and create TUMB publicity.

Green Wave Brass Band:
1. Deal with recording session, create good mixes, create soundcloud account.
2. Contact clubs/schools so schedule for Chicago tour can be finalized
3. Choose the 5-piece group playing at the primary gig, buy plane tickets.
4. Contact Barry and/or Wendell to deal with rehearsals for the Shakespeare England trip
5. Publicity for said events, as well as other upcoming gigs.
6. Send video footage taken at the Rock and Roll Marathon to the MTV peeps.
7. Update bio.
8. Buy new jerseys.
9. Potentially buy a new snare drum.

Green Wave Winds:
1. Figure out transition from Part 2 to Part 3.
2. Choreography at the end of Part 3.
3. Reheasrse on/off logistics.
4. Resolve truck and van logistics with officers.

1. Finalize details of drum major audition process.
2. Contact Rachel about space reservation at Yulman for second day of tryouts.  Contact Battman for band room for first day.
3. Do better at conducting the Tichelli.
4. Find high brass and marching tech for band camp.
5. Start prep work for potential Program Coordinator replacement
6. Reconcile purchases and receipts, deal with the lost receipt from months ago.

work, nf, marching athletics, lent

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