concert weekend and future plans

Mar 23, 2014 14:50

concert weekends of my nienteForte series are always a whirlwind of activity, but this one has seemed crazier than most. Yesterday morning the TUMB drumline along with some other volunteers were a part of a film shoot for a promotional Yulman Stadium video which took about two hours. Then i had a little bit of time to relax and nap before running some concert errands, mainly concert program printing and then sending it to FedEx Office to get them professionally folded.

George and Luke got into town around 17:00 and from then until about 03:00 i was pretty nonstop. Schlepping equipment, listening to my piece, rehearsing other things, dealing with tech setup, and then taking those guys down to the quarter for a meal at Coops and a hurricane at Pat's. We got back pretty late from that, i crashed for a few hours, got up at about 7am and had some spreadsheet database stuff on my brain, so i worked on said spreadsheet database for about forty-five minutes before re-crashing and getting up at about 10:30 this morning.

Today is going to be the actual dress rehearsal. Most of the pieces are going to be fine, the two that need the most work and will get the most time are Tension Study and Nagoya. The dress is going to run from 17:00-22:00 and then we'll probably try to find some food uptown.

I've been pretty excited for this concert for a few weeks and that's only ramped up now that it's happening tomorrow. It's going to be rough around the edges, but i think the big picture is that it's going to be a solid performance, and that's been helping fuel me creatively - when this is all done, i'm stoked to start my new personal project as well as doing some Tulane-related creative projects, both of which i'm going to try to finish by mid-summer. I also know one of the pieces i want to program on the concert in 2015, some initial ideas for the brass sextet that i'm going to write for Catherine by the beginning of 2015, and have been thinking about reapproaching Jenni for a choir commission and Matt for a wind ensemble commission because i have a couple of big ensemble pieces on my brain that i think would be fun to do, stuff that i want to finish by the summer of 2015 to try to get on their 2015-2016 concert seasons.

Speaking of summer of 2015, I also have to start putting a plan together for what i want to do with my potential 40th birthday tour. That'll probably start to take shape at the beginning of this summer also.

fun times.

travel, my future, my psyche, music, my music

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