darknote vs mendel

Sep 12, 2010 14:15

i don't know what it is about lj vs. fb, but i definitely see myself as darknote on lj and as mendel on fb.

this comes to mind now because i'm thinking of changing my profile pic on fb again (although i have no idea to what) and it vaguely crossed my mind to use my darknote icon to represent me on fb, and then my brain (again) quickly rejected that because of that above assertion. this icon isn't a mendel icon, it's a darknote icon. on fb, i'm not darknote, i'm mendel. my profile pic on fb shouldn't be anything other than my face.

and it's kind of a backwards mindfuck in that i see my lj as being more accurate to the person that i am vs. fb which i feel is a superficial and surface interpretation of the person that i am, yet on lj i'm using my alias and fb i'm using my real name.

which probably goes to show that it doesn't matter at all, that it's all in my head, but hey, that's the way i think, and i'm okay with that.

time to cook some lunch.

facebook, my psyche, my lj

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