memes on facebook

Feb 09, 2009 01:00

more memes have been cropping up on facebook lately, and it's another great example of how viral and pervasive fb is compared to livejournal. if one of my friends on lj does a meme, i may see it again three or four times on average. on fb, the "25 interests" meme probably hit over 100 of my friends.

then again, the proportion may actually amount to the same; out of the 140ish friends i have here on lj, i'd say a little over half are still regularly active on lj, so three or four of the same meme on the friends page accounts for about 20%ish of my friends. On fb, i have about 500 friends, so 100 of those also is about 20%ish of my friends.

i'm not sure if that's saying anything significant, but it's interesting.

internet, facebook

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