So after taking many, many, many months off from playing poker I went back to the usual bar last night to give it another go. Nothing better to do with my Friday night and all.
Out of 85 people who started out I finished 7th. Two places shy of money, but still not bad. It was my third final table at Friday night games so I can't really complain.
Not sure what it is, but I always seem to play well after a hiatus. Last time I took a break and came back I hit two final tables in one night. If I play again tonight or go back next week I'll probably struggle. I guess taking time away makes me patient, I dunno.
I didn't play dumb, I caught a few good cards, lost on a hand where I just got out kicked (I had a Jack, he had a Queen), and even had the hand of the night. Tripled up after going all in on pocket 10s, two other folks followed me in, one showing pocket Qs, the other A/J. First card out's a Jack. Second card's a 10. Turn's a 10, too.
But yeah, did alright.
Guy that calls me Sylar was there. Called me it from across the room. Which got a guy next to me going "you know..." Last week Olivia saw part of HEROES for the first time and commented on it as well. Maybe I should just be all normal for Halloween and claim I'm Sylar.