I haven't been doing COMPLETELY nothing!

Feb 16, 2015 13:41

I actually made a set of ruffs. A custom job, I'm sure you'll never guess for whom. I was asked to use this lace for a suite of ruffs:

I unfortunately neglected to place anything in the picture for scale, but it's a big chunky pattern - those fleurs are 3 inches top to bottom!. And the lace is seriously chunky too - thick, not at all like the spindly fine laces I'm accustomed to using. I finished up the construction back before my hands went hurty, and starched them last weekend. Once starched they became a total hot cold, stiff mess. Wasn't sure I could actually bring any sort of order to them, but I gave it a shot today (and I've got the blisters to prove it) and got this:

The tips of the fleurs are sticking out at odd angles like spiney little sea creature mutants, but I think that lends charm.


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